State testing (CAASPP) for third grade will take place the week of May 6th - May 10th. We are preparing for the test in class.

Please do not let them (or yourselves as parents) "stress" about the test. It will only make it difficult for your child to do well in May. Your children need to know that they are smart, capable, and have every potential to rock the test!

As eight and nine year old children, they should NOT be overly concerned with being perfect or how they perform on the state test. They should know that they only need to do their best and to understand that it is the mistakes we make that make us better. Please partner with me to positively encourage and empower the children. Remind them that you love them and are proud of them, and you just want them to do their best!

Please visit the CAASPP website to view practice tests. Click on the green “Student Interface” icon to view what a sample test looks like. Step-by-step pictures are below. We will be completing the practice tests in class as well as other practice work.

Please understand that the data collected from state testing is not utilized for third grade report cards, nor is it used for fourth grade placements. It is just a collection of data to analyze the school as a whole.

Headphones/Smart Watches: 

Each student must have wired headphones/earbuds for testing. It is best if your child has personal headphones to use at school; we will provide one if necessary (though they are not always the most comfortable). Students may not use Bluetooth enabled earbuds (i.e. Apple AirPods or wireless Beats headphones). Additionally, students may not wear “smart watches” during the week of testing.

 Parent Homework:

Your child should have brought home a white envelope with index cards inside. Please read Mrs. Dyer’s “CAASPP” email for instructions on what to do. Parent homework is due April 26th.

Try to make sure your child is not absent for reasons other than illness the week of May 6th. Make-up tests will take place, but it would be best to keep students in class for the testing schedule.