It has been such a pleasure meeting with each of our Room 14 families. I personally love getting to know the students' parents because it helps initiate a great home-school relationship, and allows for greater communication for the benefit of the students' learning. 

Some of my favorite things that occurred at the conferences include:

  • hearing parents remind their children that it's okay to occasionally fail and make mistakes

  • witnessing the parents' love for their children and wanting only the best childhood experience for them, including both strong academics and strong socialization and friendship connections

  • watching the students listen and take in the advice given by the adults

  • observing how the child interacts with the parents and share their own perspectives on their learning

  • being able to support the parents and the child in common academic and home goals

  • sharing what home and school life is like for the child

  • listening to the goals and strategies that the parents have for their children

 Please utilize the conference slides to review what was discussed during our meeting. Feel free to send me questions any time throughout the school year.