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Living Museum Project


Our class will be working on a month-long project called the Living Museum. Each student will pick a famous person to research, and bring that character to life! The famous person must be someone who has made a significant and positive impact to the world. Students will pretend to be their chosen famous person and speak about what their life had accomplished.

Some suggestions on famous people include Presidents, inventors, pioneers, athletes/Olympians, actors/actresses, authors/illustrators, First Ladies, famous chefs, animal researchers, cartoonists/animators, film directors, astronauts, queens, princesses, pioneers, etc. Students should pick someone that they find enjoyable and exciting to learn about.

Optional famous people may include (but are not limited to):
Betty White, Bill Gates, Abigail Adams, Jackie Robinson, Babe Ruth, George Washington, Lucille Ball, Walt Disney, Leonardo Da Vinci, President Obama, Helen Keller, Betsy Ross, Roald Dahl, Albert Einstein, Jesus Christ, Clara Barton, Michael Jordan, Rosa Parks, Sacagawea, Kobe Bryant, Martin Luther King Jr., Cleopatra.

Parents: Attached is a parent letter for your reference (the preparation guide will be provided later). Please help your child manage their time wisely to stay on top of the work timeline. This is a large project for the students, and will require diligence throughout to complete. Each student has a manila envelope with the letter and a calendar to help keep them organized and on track.

All Living Museum materials (books, notes, articles, etc.) should be kept in the envelope and brought to school daily. 

Save the Date: Living Museum Project


Our class will be working on a month-long project called the Living Museum. Each student will pick a famous person to research, and bring that character to life! The famous person must be someone who has made a significant and positive impact to the world. Students will pretend to be their chosen famous person and speak about what their life had accomplished.

Optional famous people may include (but are not limited to):
Betty White, Bill Gates, Abigail Adams, Jackie Robinson, Babe Ruth, George Washington, Lucille Ball, Walt Disney, Leonardo Da Vinci, President Obama, Helen Keller, Betsy Ross, Roald Dahl, Albert Einstein, Jesus Christ, Clara Barton, Michael Jordan, Rosa Parks, Sacagawea, Kobe Bryant, Martin Luther King Jr., Cleopatra.

Please save the date, Thursday, February 27th on your calendars! Our class will have our Living Museum Grand Opening this day from 1:10–1:45 pm and parents are invited to attend!

Parents: Attached is a parent letter for your reference (the preparation guide will be provided later). Please help your child manage their time wisely to stay on top of the work timeline. This is a large project for the students, and will require diligence throughout to complete. Each student has a manila envelope with the letter and a calendar to help keep them organized and on track.

All Living Museum materials (books, notes, articles, etc.) should be kept in the envelope and brought to school daily. 


ST Math

Woodbury Elementary has a math intervention program called ST Math. This engaging computer-based program is a fun way for children to practice and solidify their math skills. All Woodbury students have accounts set up for this new program already, and students will have access to JiJi Math both at school and at home. For use at home, please see the attachment below for detailed instructions.

Student Login Information (for first time login). ***Important: If your child doesn't remember his/her picture password, he/she will need to click on the rectangle with the two horizontal lines (like an equal (=) sign) and use their username/password combination. Then the program will take them through a picture password training session first. If your child DOES know their picture password, he/she can just click in their picture password to log in. 

Username: student computer login (i.e. 30smithjohn)
Password: 9-digit student ID number

Watch the video below to learn how to log in.

The program begins with a math placement assessment. It will start off very easy (matching puzzle pieces together), and progress to more difficult levels to measure students' math skills. Students should continue through the initial math placement until it is complete. Afterwards, the program will automatically monitor the child's progress and adjust levels accordingly.


Is ST Math available for use on an iPad or Tablet?

Yes. If you are a school, school district or homeschool family that has purchased ST Math, you may access the software on touch-enabled devices. Technical requirements can be found here.

Do I have to download software?

The program is online and there’s no need to download any software. However, a high-speed Internet connection is required for each device running ST Math. See the Technical Requirements.

Is there a mobile app for ST Math Homeschool users?

Yes! Subscribers can use the ST Math app for Android tablets, Chromebooks, iPads, and Kindles. For more information and to download the app, go to ST Math Tech Requirements.


Lexia Core5

One of Woodbury's resources for reading intervention is an online program called Core5. Students who are currently reading below grade level are encouraged to use Core5 at home for at least 20-40 minutes per week.

Parents who want to help their child catch up on reading skills should encourage their child to utilize Core5 at home. Students will need headphones to use with the reading program, and parents are NOT allowed to help as the program provides teachers data and information regarding the student's current reading progress. 

The parent letter and access information can be found online.  A Lexia lessons checklist can also be found online. 

To login, please follow the instructions (and screen shot prompts) below. A parent information sheet is also available. 

  1. Visit

  2. Enter teacher's name: (first image below)

  3. Click "Log In With Clever" (second image below)

  4. Click "Log in with Active Directory (third image below)

  5. Type in student's IUSD login email- (fourth image below)

    • ***Important: If your child’s first or last name is more than eight (8) characters, the system will leave off the last few letters. For example:
      Student Name: “Josephine Sanderson”
      Login Username: “”
      The n in the last name, and the e in the first name are left off.

      The first two digits are your child’s high school graduation year.

  6. Click "Next"

  7. Type in student's ID number as the password- 9-digit number

Homework Assignments

Students and Parents: Visit Mrs. Dyer’s Homework Planbook to access your homework assignments each week. Save this link in your web browser’s bookmarks so that you may easily click on the link each day.

Generally, homework is planned out for the whole week so that students and parents can get a preview of what is to come. However, it is important to click REFRESH every single time you visit the page so that you view the most up-to-date information. Details can change frequently.