Spring Break


Woodbury Elementary will be on Spring Break from March 24th through April 4th. School will resume on Monday, April 7th. 

Encourage your child to read and practice math facts throughout spring break! As soon as we return to school, we will be picking up right where we left off and the students will need to be ready to learn!

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Spring Break! 

Jogathon Pledges 2025

UPDATE: 3/21/25: We did it! Our school reached $100,000! This is amazing! I don’t think I’ve ever seen our community reach such a high goal, but it’s all for supporting our students! Thank you, Room 14 Families, that donated. We couldn’t have done it without your support! Take a look at the extra fun we had because we reached our pledge goals!

Woodbury families, our annual Jogathon is coming soon on Wednesday, March 12th. Our goal is $100,000! This will help us keep our STEAM Lab lessons for our students!

In 2020, Mrs. Dyer’s class was in FIRST PLACE with a record-breaking $4,350!!! Please help us achieve first place again!

You and your child(ren) can collect pledges ONLINE, from friends and family anywhere in the world! It's EASY to collect pledges onlinefrom friends and family anywhere in the world! Just follow the steps on www.woodburypta.org. If you have technical issues, you may contact (888) 598-7510.

All students are highly encouraged to gather as many Jogathon pledges as possible! This is a big fundraiser for our PTA and the proceeds generated benefit our students and our entire school greatly.

Some of the pledge prizes include: 

  • $25+ in pledges will receive a custom 2025 commemorative pin

  • $100+ in pledges will receive an exclusive Woodbury Lunch Box (+ above prizes)

  • $150+ in pledges will receive a custom Woodbury backpack (+ above prizes)

  • Our run time is 11:15 - 11:30, and our theme color is YELLOW. Please come out to cheer on our kids around the jogging route!

  • This is our biggest fundraiser and one of the most exciting things our PTA does all year!

Additional Incentives:

  • Raise $50,000 by March 1: Teachers will wear inflatable costumes and run in a race!

  • Raise $100,000 by March 15:  Mr. Finley and Mrs. Snyder will get a shaving cream pie-to-the-face! 

  • Every student who gets a donation will be entered for a lottery prize: 

    • Donations by 2/25: Student will be a principal for a day and the family will have a reserved parking spot for the rest of the year!

    • Donations by 3/1: Student will win $100 Scholastic dollars for our Book Fair or Scholastic.com 

Below are photos from previous years.

Book Fair


UPDATE: 3/21/25: We had so much fun at the Book Fair today! Thank you, Mrs. Kwok, for volunteering and helping our kids shop!

Students and families (including any out-of-town family members who may want to purchase books as gifts) will be allowed to shop online for an assortment of books. Students will have an opportunity to shop in person with their class.

Room 14 will also have a classroom wish list of books to add to our classroom.

Payment Options:

  • Send cash with your child. Place the cash in an envelope with your child’s name on it.

  • Set up an e-Wallet set up for your child to shop with.

  • Families can also choose to shop online.

Oh the Places You'll Go

During Read Across America week, our class will listen to the story, “Oh the Places You’ll Go,” by Dr. Seuss. It was the last book that was published during the author’s lifetime. This book inspires readers to seize new opportunities, keep an open mind, and be ready for new life adventures.

Students will begin a paper mache balloon project at home and then bring it back to school to finish painting and assembling. The finished project will look amazing and will look great hanging in our classroom!

Read Across America Day 2025

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday. Every year to celebrate his birthday week, schools across the United States celebrate Read Across America Day!

Room 14 will celebrate on Friday, February 28th. Students are welcomed to bring their favorite book(s), wear their favorite jammies (they must still wear closed-toe shoes/sneakers) and bring a stuffed animal or a pillow to school. We will get comfy around the classroom and just enjoy an open time of reading!

Living Museum Grand Opening 2025

Our Living Museum was a huge success! The kids had so much fun transforming themselves into their famous character. The children were so proud to be able to present to fellow third graders, PK Little Buddies, 4th graders, and of course ,to our parents for the Grand Opening. This project will certainly be a favorite third grade memory for many of the students. The students impressively answered questions and remained in character for a solid 45 minutes before the museum's closing time (the kids were exhausted by the time we closed our museum)! I am so proud of each and every child!

The kids have worked so hard on this month-long project, and I'm sure that you were able to see their efforts as they practiced and prepared at home. Please tell your kids how proud you are of them.

Presidents Day Art


Students completed a draw-along lesson of President Lincoln, President Washington and the White House for Presidents Day. They did such an amazing job!

Upcoming Valentine's Day


We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Tuesday, February 14th. As a common tradition, many students enjoy passing out valentine grams to their classmates (but it is most certainly not mandatory to pass out anything).

  • Students will pass out valentines on Wednesday, February 14th.

  • As of January 24th, we have 28 children (12 girls, 16 boys) in our class. Please do not fill in names in the "To:" field. ONLY fill in the "From:" field on each note with your child’s name.

  • Do NOT send candy/food grams.

  • Alternatives may include non-edible items such as stickers, pencils, erasers, temporary tattoos, simple handwritten notes, plain valentine cards, stamps, glow sticks, rings, mini puzzles, books, bookmarks, etc.

  • Here are a few sample items that make great valentine grams!

  • Lastly, I recently heard of a sweet idea that parents can choose to do. Write your child a surprise love note for him/her to find and read in their snack or lunch bags!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me! Thank you in advance for your partnership!


Hershey's Kiss Taste Test

As part of our Writers Workshop unit about opinion writing, students participated in a taste test of three different Hershey Kiss chocolates. Thank you, Kwok Family, for donating the bags of kisses.

The students tried the Special Dark kiss, the Cookies and Cream kiss, and the Chocolate-dipped Strawberry kiss. We had so much fun using our five senses to write adjectives about each one. Our favorite, of course, was the sense of taste when we finally got to try each one!

Ask your child which one was their favorite!

Studying Painted Lady Butterflies

Our caterpillars are here! As part of our Science unit, the class is so excited to study live caterpillars that will eventually turn into Painted Lady Butterflies! We have over 40 caterpillars, and we are taking observation notes in our Butterfly Life Cycle journals. The caterpillars were tiny on the first day. Less than half the tip of a push pin!

As part of our science essential standards, students are expected to understand the life cycles of living things.

We can’t wait to see how much our caterpillars change in the next few weeks!

Take a look at some of the videos from 2020 of the caterpillars’ transformations!