Countless children all around the world have grown up watching the characters on Sesame Street, myself included. "Sesame Street began in 1969, it was considered an experiment.  The question: Could television be used to educate young children? Well, research proved the answer to be yes," ( This beloved show began with characters such as Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch, Bert and Ernie, Cookie Monster, and others. Over the years, new characters were introduced like Elmo, Abby Cadaby, and Murray. But now, viewers will get to meet Julia. Julia has autism. And through her, people will get to learn a little bit more about others who have autism. Though it's important to know that while Julia will give viewers a new window into this unique world, it is just as equally important to know that the autism spectrum has a vast range and individuals can both blend in with the crowd around them, and exhibit different types of behaviors and habits.

Julia's debut episode first aired on April 10th, 2017 on HBO and PBS Kids.