UPDATE 3/16/24: The kids did great with their Jogathon run! They also loved cheering on their PK Little Buddies during their run. Medals have already been passed out, and the remaining Jogathon prizes will be ordered and distributed as soon as shipments arrive. Thank you to the families who donated to our fundraiser. Thanks to your efforts, the school achieved its $80,000 goal! This helps to pay for the highly favorited STEAM Lab lessons! AND— our class was the highest fundraiser in the grade level and so we will be earning a class prize too! Pictures from the event are posted below.
Woodbury families, our annual Jogathon is coming soon on Wednesday, March 13th. This is our school’s largest and most important fundraiser! Funds raised help to pay for school assemblies, STEAM Lab, art programs, classroom supplies, and social events. In 2020, Mrs. Dyer’s class was in FIRST PLACE with a record-breaking $4,350!!! Please help us achieve first place again!
You and your child(ren) can collect pledges ONLINE, from friends and family anywhere in the world! It's EASY to collect pledges onlinefrom friends and family anywhere in the world! Just follow the steps on www.woodburypta.org. If you have technical issues, you may contact (888) 598-7510.
All students are highly encouraged to gather as many Jogathon pledges as possible! This is a big fundraiser for our PTA and the proceeds generated benefit our students and our entire school greatly.
Some of the pledge prizes include:
$35+ in pledges will receive a custom 2024 commemorative pin
$85+ in pledges will receive an exclusive Woodbury Magic 8 Ball (+ above prizes)
$135+ in pledges will receive a custom Mighty Mustang Handball (+ above prizes)
$500+ in pledges will receive a custom Woodbury donor trophy (+ above prizes)
Our run time is TBD, and our theme color is TBD. Please come out to cheer on our kids around the jogging route!
This is our biggest fundraiser and one of the most exciting things our PTA does all year!
Below are photos from previous years.