UPDATE: August 19th: If you haven’t joined the PTA yet, please consider joining and donating. Our class is hoping to be the top placement for the grade level to earn an ice cream party! Our PTA President this year is Mrs. Morales— who is amazing, and even helps to lead our third graders with small groups every week! Please check the www.woodburypta.org website for more information.
The PTA Website is a great way to stay connected with all of the exciting things that are taking place at our school! On the website, there will be a main information page, calendar of events, and other important information/documents pertaining to the PTA. The exciting part is that when you register, you will be able to buy spirit wear, make your pledge & membership donations, sign up for volunteer opportunities for each event, and will be sent our monthly newsletters or emails directly from the website. It is a one stop shop! So don't wait, register today!