Grade Level PE

Every year, Woodbury students love Grade Level PE! This is a program that is led by our PE Paraprofessional staff. They teach our children important gross motor skills by leading various stretches, games, relays, obstacle courses, and exercises. The kids always love playing the games, and the staff is great at keeping the kids engaged while exercising to stay healthy. 

Please be sure your child wears comfortable closed-toe shoes everyday for their safety, and especially on PE days. We will have PE every Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Your child will especially need good sneakers to run in, a water bottle (with their name on it), and sunscreen as necessary. If your child is ever injured or doesn't feel well enough for PE, please be sure to send a written note or email requesting an excusal. 

Typically, PE is done outside on the field. If the weather is too hot or rainy, then PE is done in the multi-purpose room or in the classroom. 



Today marks the 23rd year anniversary of September 11th. Like many Americans, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I first heard the news report that day. Let's never forget the 2,977 individuals that lost their lives that day.

Scholastic Book Fair is Coming!

The Annual Book Fair will be September 16 - 20! Students and families (including any out-of-town family members who may want to purchase books as gifts) will be allowed to shop online for an assortment of books. Students will have an opportunity to shop in person with their class.

Room 14 will also have a classroom wish box of books to add to our classroom library and an e-Wallet set up for the classroom wishlist.

Payment Options:

  • Send cash with your child. Place the cash in an envelope with your child’s name on it.

  • Set up an e-Wallet set up for your child to shop with.

  • Families can also choose to shop online.


Book Wizard

Book Wizard is a tool on Scholastic’s website to help parents find books for their child based on their Lexile reading ranges. It also helps to sort books according to your child’s interests.

Scholastic Book Orders


About once a month, I will be sending home book order magazines from Scholastic's Reading Clubs. Reading Clubs are a great way to build a high-quality home library that is both interesting and relevant to students. While I highly recommend ordering from these catalogs, participation is completely optional. The main purpose of these book orders are to help your child better develop an appreciation for reading and to help them build fluency and accuracy. Additionally, since many parents have asked me what books would be appropriate for their child to read, Scholastic Book Orders make it easy to browse through many titles that would be a great choice for our grade level!

All book orders are placed online through a fast, easy, and secure process. No money/checks are sent to school. Use the information below to access the Scholastic Reading Clubs website.


  1. Visit the Scholastic Book Club.

  2. Sign-up for a username and password, using our unique Class Activation Code: HX7LG. This code ensures that your order is sent to our classroom. You will only have to enter the Class Activation Code once.

  3. Select the books you'd like to order from over 500 titles available, and take advantage of online-only specials and discounts.

  4. Submit your order online by the 17th of every month. I will submit any pending orders at the end of each month. Books will always be delivered directly to our classroom.

Our whole class benefits thanks to the free books we can earn with every online order. Thank you and happy reading!

Lexile Ranges and Library Books

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Students will be checking out books from the library on Wednesday afternoons. They are allowed two books at a time. We will be encouraging students to check out books at their reading level based on their Lexile range (provided in their Renaissance Learning reading assessment).

Most of the books have a colored sticker dot on the spine matching it to the colored chart above. Please encourage your child to read EVERY DAY in order to improve their reading fluency, accuracy, and comprehension.

Parents may also use the website Book Wizard to find books at their child’s Lexile reading level.

End of Conferences

It has been such a pleasure meeting with each of our Room 14 families. I personally love getting to know the students' parents because it helps initiate a great home-school relationship, and allows for greater communication for the benefit of the students' learning. 

Some of my favorite things that occurred at the conferences include:

  • hearing parents remind their children that it's okay to occasionally fail and make mistakes

  • witnessing the parents' love for their children and wanting only the best childhood experience for them, including both strong academics and strong socialization and friendship connections

  • watching the students listen and take in the advice given by the adults

  • observing how the child interacts with the parents and share their own perspectives on their learning

  • being able to support the parents and the child in common academic and home goals

  • sharing what home and school life is like for the child

  • listening to the goals and strategies that the parents have for their children

 Please utilize the conference slides to review what was discussed during our meeting. Feel free to send me questions any time throughout the school year.


Vooks Storybooks

Vooks is “a kid-safe, ad-free streaming library of read-aloud animated storybooks.” It has all sorts of favorite children’s books that have been animated into read aloud videos for children to watch. Parents may sign up for one free month to try it out. It would be a great way to keep kids engaged with reading and exposing them to countless children’s books.


Students in grades 2-6 get to participate in STEAM Lab. It is many students’ favorite thing about school. Classes are divided in half, and each group goes once a week. Our class currently visits STEAM Lab on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Woodbury partners with a STEM education company called, BrainStorm. The BrainStorm teachers prepare, and teach lessons involving science, technology, engineering, and math. A Woodbury teacher assists with teaching the art portion.

We are so incredibly lucky to have this partnership. A HUGE THANK YOU goes to our PTA, and ALL OF OUR PARENT DONATIONS, who help to fundraise and pay for this program! Our students would be devastated if we ever lost this program! So thank you, Parents, for supporting our school!